Friday, September 26, 2014

The Giver

1.  What do you admire about the characters involved in your story?  What do you despise in them?
I really like that The Giver and Jonas are the only two who really understand what is happening to them throughout the course of the story. They can feel things and they understand things to much more depth than anyone else in the story. I dislike the fact that everyone else throughout the story is shallow and doesn't understand the circumstances they're in.

2.  If you were a character in this story, what would your role be?  Don't just replace an existing character with yourself, but think about if you, as you are right now, were added to this story, how would you function in the plot?
I would probably fit well into Jonas's role. I have always be empathetic towards people and very understanding of feelings and emotions. I would probably do about the same thing as Jonas did.

3.What predictions can you make about the characters involved?  Is their any foreshadowing so far to indicate that things will end well or poorly for the people in the story?
I predict that Gabriel is going to be released. Jonas's father keeps mentioning how weak Gabriel is, and it's making me quite nervous about him. I certainly HOPE that Gabriel isn't released, because I think the whole idea of release is much more than what Jonas thinks it is.

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