Sunday, August 24, 2014

Artifact 5: A slightly biased article about immigrants

After reading this article, titled Illegal Immigrants: Asset or Liability? , I found it to be stereotyped. The author, Laurin Motsay from Baltimore, whose name was unlinked, assumed that all 'illegal immigrants' became thugs or gang members after entering the US.
To start the article, Laurin linked a name, Mr. Rodricks, and wrote about how he thought that undocumented immigrants were a "wonderful asset" to the United States. Rodricks had explained that an undocumented immigrant came to the United States, became a doctor, and saved a woman's life. Ms. Motsay continued, after telling Rodrick's story, turning her comments gradually more and more sour and impolite.
"In the interest of fair and balanced commentary, I wish he would have compared the number of illegal immigrants who save someone's life to the number who commit violent crimes — like the "thrill-kill" murder of three New Jersey college students who were shot in the head in a school yard by an illegal immigrant."
This is only one of Laurin Motsay's accusations against undocumented immigrants. It's true that this was an actual crime, but this is only one instance of a crime committed by an immigrant. Ms. Motsay then proceeded, in my opinion, to accuse illegal immigrants many unfair and stereotyped crimes.  "There are many more victims of rape, murder, assault, etc., that Mr. Rodricks could ask about their [the victim's] gratitude to illegal immigrants. He [Rodricks] could also ask law enforcement officials how grateful they are to illegal immigrants such as gang members."
Ms. Laurin then finished with her typed name, apparently having nothing more to say on the subject.
The last few words of her accusation are inaccurate. Not all undocumented immigrants will become rapists, gang members, or murderers. In fact, very few statistically will. Many more US citizens that undocumented immigrants will commit these crimes in the United States.


  1. Great Post! People should know their facts before they make a judgement.

  2. I enjoyed how strong your empathy towards others showed through this post. I find it amazing how well written and polite this post is about common stereotypes and how they affect others. Great job :)
