Sunday, August 24, 2014

Artifact 3: Political Cartoon

"I don't know any illegal aliens but I hear they're spoiling America!"

The irony of this cartoon is that the 'illegal immigrants' who come to America are willing to do any work, even the least desirable jobs. However, that's not where the irony ends. Unfortunately, it's much deeper than that.
The woman in the cartoon represents what America is becoming: 'overfed, expecting everything to be handed to her, rich,' whereas the small people in the fore and background represent the immigrants the women was talking about, doing their very best to keep on the woman's good side. By staying on her good side, they are sacrificing many things they themselves could have, such as significant food, shelter, and money.
The woman doesn't seem to realize that the 'illegal immigrants' are the ones providing for several of her needs. 
I found that this political cartoon relates to Reyna's situation because she was often teased or underestimated because she migrated illegally from Mexico.

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